Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Prepare for 2nd Monopoly Match Marathon

Monopoly is a classic property trading game. Unlike the inaugural MMM, We will only be playing one game at CMI! Party. This game is challenging for both the newbie and the seasoned.

We will be playing the STANDARD ONE-HOUR SHORT GAME RULES (with three free properties per player at the beginning).

If you are wondering whether you can buy properties at the first round or get money on the free parking space, don't wonder anymore! These variations of the STANDARD monopoly rules are house rules which will not apply for the 2nd MMM.

If you are uneducated about the standard monopoly rule book, fret not! Be educated at CMI! Party where you will apply these "new" rules in securing a victory.

To prepare yourself for the battle of brains and tongues, CMI! Party is proud to present the Standard One-hour Short Game Rules as follows:

You are recommended to print and read the rules before going for war for a battle without preparation is equal to a preparation without a battle. Whatever that are fighting for the top prize...

2nd MMM Richest Award (Total assets will be calculated at the end by various "auditors" to determine winner)

Programme Updates

Dearest guests,

The programme has changed a little to accomodate the closing hours of the function room.

1900-1930 Reception
Socialising Session for Early Birds
Snacking Starts

1930-1950 CMI! Speeches

1950-2000 Opening Performance

2000-2120 2nd Monopoly Match Marathon

2120-2200 “Cake” Cutting with Whisper Birthday Song
CMI awards Presentation
Mass Photo-taking

2230 Departure for Midnight Movie Madness

2350-0200+ MMM

Thereafter Life Goes On...

MMM Selection: Slumdog Millionaire @ The Cathay

Dearest guests,

For those hardcore owls who registered to join Midnight Movie Madness, the mystery is finally unravelled.

We will be watching Slumdog Millionaire @ The Cathay @ 2350 hrs! This film won many Oscars recently so it's definitely worth watching!

To facilitate smooth transition from the party to the comforts of the cinema seat, advance booking for the movie will take place on Friday before CMI! Party, so if you have not emailed John your decision to join MMM, please do so asap.

Departure for the MMM will begin at 2230 from Bukit Regency by bus 171. A 20-min ride will take the entourage to The Cathay directly. Movie is expected to end past 2am. Please ready a fat wallet for the expensive way back home.

John will be sharing a cab with 3 other "unlucky" souls, so please SMS him if you want to cab-share back to Woodlands.

Alternatively, you may choose to camp at Dhoby Ghaut and catch the first train home.

-AFP (A Very Fat Person)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Updates on Sending Yr Attendance Confirmation

Hi guys,

John has been receiving emails not using the CMI! Form as an RSVP. It's perfectly fine. However, if you are attending, please indicate the options for MMM, Midnight Movie Madness and CMI! Speeches. If you Can't Make It! for all three, you might just be a popper-by. In that case, indicate that you are popping by.

See you there!